Austin housing hot takes for 2022 - Axios Austin

2022-01-03 15:22:48 By : Ms. Susan Kung

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With the new year clocking in, we asked for some crystal ball predictions about the one thing all Austinites, rich and poor, think about: housing.

The big picture: Where and how we live remains a central question amid Austin's influx of wealth.

The folks at home listing site Zillow say that if you're set on a bargain, look to the smaller cities outside of Austin.

What they're saying: "From April to August, Austin held the top spot in quarter-over-quarter home value growth, which is a good indicator of current housing demand," per the Zillow report.

Between the lines: The scorching Austin job market will further warm the already hot housing market.

Zoom out: Zillow economists' U.S. forecast calls for 11% home value growth in 2022, down from 19.5% in 2021. That would still rank among the strongest years Zillow has tracked.

On the political level, expect continued housing battles at City Hall.

The bottom line: Expect more of the same in 2022, as skyrocketing prices and rental rates fundamentally reshape the demographics of Austin neighborhoods.

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